Vince Vaughn is a Legend In My Eyes – by Dawn Cady
Vince Vaughn is a very funny man. In fact, in 2005 he was dubbed one of the funniest men in the world. At that time, he had some of the all-time funniest films. My personal favorite is Wedding Crashers which contained highly inappropriate behavior - I like the shock...
Heal Deep-Seated Fears To End Pain and Suffering
My journey of suffering has helped me to really understand that the only way to truly heal from pain and end suffering is to remove deep-seated fears. Thats is what our mind and body believe when it's in danger by locating the program and then removing it. This way we...
Dedication to my Mum – My Family Pain Story
Deeply Personal - My Family's Pain Story Today's blog is deeply personal, it will be about my family's pain story. And I’m sharing it because it’s ovarian awareness month and today is Teal Ribbon Day - a day to support Australians living with ovarian cancer. And I...
The Brain, Emotion and Pain Connection – Know How To Handle Them
The brain, emotion, and pain all have a very strong connection. A good understanding of this will go a long way in helping you reduce pain naturally. “It's all in your head Jimmy, the test results confirm that you're okay". Those were the exact words of a doctor to...
What Causes Pain and Pain Management Strategies
What causes pain? No one wants to experience pain – whether it be acute or chronic. Not only does it cause physical damage but it also leads to distressing feelings. These damages often rock the host (being our body) to the core - leaving them almost helpless. The...
How Does Stress Affect Pain Perception?
Stress and Chronic Pain. If you are a chronic pain sufferer, whether it’s physical or emotional, then you really need to read this! The information I’m about to share has the potential to save your life, because you will understand how does stress affect pain...
where Dawn Cady and Mary-Ann Lagerway weekly share helpful content and resources