10 Reasons you are stuck with chronic pain and suffering
Unless you understand what’s going on for you, which may be some or all of the following: You are disconnected from your body. One way this can happen is through suppressing emotions (see #8.) Though it’s not your fault, it is...
Unlock the power of Reticular Activating System (RAS)
Your brain has a filter. It filters information received by your subconscious to the conscious part of your brain. This is known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS). Think about it. Have you ever driven home from somewhere and not remembered all of the drive...
Heal yourself: 2 Powerful tools to help
Your mind is not you; it’s an exceptionally powerful tool that can be your best friend to help you heal yourself or your worst enemy. If it’s your best friend, it will cheer you on and find solutions to difficult situations. When it’s your worst enemy, like it is for...
Why Do I Keep Getting Sick?
Want to know why you keep getting sick? We have normalised suffering. It’s that simple. It’s everything but normal, we are supposed to enjoy life but we have programmed our brains for suffering and in the process become addicted to it. How Our Brain and Body...
Pain is your body communicating to you | Dealing With Pain, Pt 2
Here I am presenting you another way/analogy of how you can see the relationship you have with your body, to help you deal with pain. Imagine the following situation: You work for a mean boss. Your job is to move great big heavy boxes But you are struggling to move...
Pain is your body communicating to you | Dealing With Pain, Pt. 1
When you are feeling Pain, I want you to know that it is your body that is communicating to you that there is something amiss that needs your attention. I really want you to understand the implications of this statement, so I’m going to take you on a journey to help...
where Dawn Cady and Mary-Ann Lagerway weekly share helpful content and resources