
Unlock the power of Reticular Activating System (RAS)

Unlock the power of Reticular Activating System (RAS)

Your brain has a filter. It filters information received by your subconscious to the conscious part of your brain. This is known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS). Think about it. Have you ever driven home from somewhere and not remembered all of the drive...

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Heal yourself: 2 Powerful tools to help

Heal yourself: 2 Powerful tools to help

Your mind is not you; it’s an exceptionally powerful tool that can be your best friend to help you heal yourself or your worst enemy. If it’s your best friend, it will cheer you on and find solutions to difficult situations. When it’s your worst enemy, like it is for...

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Why Do I Keep Getting Sick? 

Why Do I Keep Getting Sick? 

Want to know why you keep getting sick? We have normalised suffering.  It’s that simple. It’s everything but normal, we are supposed to enjoy life but we have programmed our brains for suffering and in the process become addicted to it. How Our Brain and Body...

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